Brand Toolkit: Color


Our use of color sets us apart from much of gov tech and tells a story of how we’re different. Green has long been a symbol of optimism, new beginnings, and growth. Ad Hoc green signals our belief that the work of building better civic infrastructure is just getting started.

Color is how we express one of our three core tenets: Purpose. Our bold colors, gradients, and patterns underscore a different way of delivering impactful digital services.

Core colors

Our core colors are made up of three distinct shades of Ad Hoc green. Our medium green used for our full logo mark. Our dark green is used primarily for background elements and for text on a white background. Finally, our light green is mostly used as an accent color.


Medium green

  • HEX: #31B67B
  • RGB: 49, 182, 123
  • CMYK: 74, 0, 70, 0

Dark green

  • HEX: #118762
  • RGB: 17, 135, 98
  • CMYK: 85, 24, 75, 8

Light green

  • HEX: #cdecdb
  • RGB: 205, 236, 219
  • CMYK: 19, 0, 17, 0

Accent colors

Our accent grays should be the first additional colors paired with our core shades of green. These provide additional richness, without stealing the show from our core colors.


Gray 5

  • HEX: #A4A4A4
  • RGB: 164, 164, 164
  • CMYK: 38, 31, 31, 0

Gray 8

  • HEX: #5F5F5F
  • RGB: 95, 95, 95
  • CMYK: 62, 53, 53, 24

Gray 2

  • RGB: 237, 237, 237
  • CMYK: 6, 4, 0, 0
An image showing Ad Hoc team members, smiling and talking at a recent Ad Hoc retreat.

Color pairings

Building on our core and secondary colors, accent color combinations should be used sparingly and with prior approval from our creative and communications team. The following pairings are approved for external use.

Please keep in mind color contrast when pairing text with background colors. The accessibility ratings provided here are for black text or white text as indicated. All text and background pairings should be checked using an accessibility color contrast tool.

Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Finch 3 #FFCC50 255, 204, 80 0, 20, 79, 0
AAA passed
Medium Green #31B67B 49, 182, 123 74, 0, 70, 0
AAA passed
Dark Green #118762 17, 135, 98 85, 24, 75, 8
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Finch 2 #FFECBB 255, 236, 187 0, 6, 31, 0
AAA passed
Monarch 5 #FC8400 252, 132, 0 0, 59, 100, 0
AA passed
Monarch 8 #924C00 146, 76, 0 30, 73, 100, 25
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Hibiscus 3 #FAC5E6 250, 197, 230 1, 27, 0, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 6 #E64DBA 230, 77, 186 15, 80, 0, 0
AA Large Text passed
Lavender 9 #48447F 72, 68, 127 85, 84, 21, 7
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Finch 2 #FFECBB 255, 236, 187 0, 6, 31, 0
AAA passed
Finch 3 #FFCC50 255, 204, 80 0, 20, 79, 0
AAA passed
Finch 4 #FBAC0F 251, 172, 15 0, 37, 100, 0
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Monarch 2 #FFEAD4 255, 234, 212 0, 8, 16, 0
AAA passed
Monarch 6 #D67000 214, 112, 0 13, 66, 100, 2
AA Large Text passed
Finch 9 #694305 105, 67, 5 42, 65, 100, 42
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Ocean 2 #C0F7FF 192, 247, 255 20, 0, 3, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 4 #08CEED 8, 206, 237 64, 0, 8, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 8 #09687D 9, 104, 125 91, 48, 39, 13
AAA passed


Our gradients provide a sense of optimism and are a key element in our brand system — Sunrise. Gradients underscore one of our system's three core tenets: Purpose. We believe our purpose is to deliver impactful services in a fundamentally different way. We pair gradients with our bold color palette to provide a kind of visual sunrise, or a new day on the horizon.

Dark orange

Download: SVG

Medium orange

Download: SVG


Download: SVG

Dark blue

Download: SVG

Dark purple

Download: SVG

Medium purple

Download: SVG

Green to yellow

Download: SVG

Medium green

Download: SVG

Green purple

Download: SVG

Dark gray

Download: SVG

Medium gray

Download: SVG

Light gray

Download: SVG

Secondary Colors

Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Monarch 1 #FFF9F2 255, 249, 242 0, 2, 4, 0
AAA passed
Monarch 2 #FFEAD4 255,234,212 0, 8, 16, 0
AAA passed
Monarch 3 #FFCB92 255, 203, 146 0, 22, 46, 0
AAA passed
Monarch 4 #FFA94C 255,169,76 0, 40, 78, 0
AAA passed
Monarch 5 #FC8400 252, 132, 0 0, 59, 100, 0
AA passed
Monarch 6 #D67000 214,112,0 13, 66, 100, 2
AA Large Text passed
Monarch 7 #B05C00 176, 92, 0 24, 70, 100, 13
AAA passed
Monarch 8 #924C00 146, 76, 0 30, 73, 100, 25
AAA passed
Monarch 9 #743D00 116, 61, 0 36, 73, 100, 40
AAA passed
Monarch 10 #5C3000 92, 48, 0 42, 73, 100, 53
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Finch 1 #FFFAEB 255, 250, 235 0, 1, 7 ,0
AAA passed
Finch 2 #FFECBB 255, 236, 187 0, 6, 31, 0
AAA passed
Finch 3 #FFCC50 255, 204, 80 0, 20, 79, 0
AAA passed
Finch 4 #FBAC0F 251, 172, 15 0, 37, 100, 0
AAA passed
Finch 5 #DD960E 221, 150, 14 13, 44, 100, 0
AA & AAA Large text passed
Finch 6 #BD7E0C 189, 126, 12 24, 52, 100, 6
AAA passed
Finch 7 #9C670A 156, 103, 10 32, 58, 100, 17
AAA passed
Finch 8 #835508 131, 85, 8 37, 62, 100, 29
AAA passed
Finch 9 #694305 105, 67, 5 42, 65, 100, 42
AAA passed
Finch 10 #543404 84, 52, 4 46, 67, 100, 55
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Ocean 1 #EDFDFF 237, 253, 255 5, 0, 0, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 2 #C0F7FF 192, 247, 255 20, 0, 3, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 3 #44E8FF 68, 232, 255 50, 0, 6, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 4 #08CEED 8, 206, 237 64, 0, 8, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 5 #0BB4D1 11, 180, 209 73, 6, 15, 0
AA & AAA Pass passed
Ocean 6 #0B98B3 11, 152, 179 80, 24, 24, 0
AAA passed
Ocean 7 #0A7D94 10, 125, 148 87, 38, 33, 4
AAA passed
Ocean 8 #09687D 9, 104, 125 91, 48, 39, 13
AAA passed
Ocean 9 #075264 7, 82, 100 93, 58, 45, 26
AAA passed
Ocean 10 #054150 5, 65, 80 95, 64, 50, 39
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Lavender 1 #F9FAFE 249, 250, 254 2, 1, 0, 0
AAA passed
Lavender 2 #E8EDFC 232, 237, 252 7, 4, 0, 0
AAA passed
Lavender 3 #CFD2F7 207, 210, 247 16, 15, 0, 0
AAA passed
Lavender 4 #B4B8F1 180, 184, 241 27, 24, 0, 0
AAA passed
Lavender 5 #999EEB 153, 158, 235 39, 36, 0, 0
AA & AAA large text passed
Lavender 6 #7A82E3 122, 130, 227 56, 50, 0, 0
AA Large Text passed
Lavender 7 #6268CA 98, 104, 202 69, 63, 0, 0
AAA passed
Lavender 8 #5656A5 86, 86, 165 77, 75, 0, 0
AAA passed
Lavender 9 #48447F 72, 68, 127 85, 84, 21, 7
AAA passed
Lavender 10 #3B3562 59, 53, 98 87, 87, 34, 24
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Hibiscus 1 #FFF8FC 255, 248, 252 0, 3, 0, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 2 #FEE8F4 254, 232, 244 0, 11, 0, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 3 #FAC5E6 250, 197, 230 1, 27, 0, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 4 #F5A2DA 245, 162, 218 4, 44, 0, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 5 #F07BCE 240, 123, 206 10, 61, 0, 0
AA passed
Hibiscus 6 #E64DBA 230, 77, 186 15, 80, 0, 0
AA Large Text passed
Hibiscus 7 #B9429F 185, 66, 159 28, 87, 0, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 8 #973989 151, 57, 137 47, 93, 10, 0
AAA passed
Hibiscus 9 #752F70 117, 47, 112 62, 95, 25, 10
AAA passed
Hibiscus 10 #5A275C 90, 39, 92 70, 96, 34, 24
AAA passed
Color name Hex RGB CMYK Accessibility
Gray 1 #FAFAFA 250, 250, 250 0, 0, 0, 3
AAA passed
Gray 2 #EDEDED 237, 237, 237 6, 4, 0, 0
AAA passed
Gray 3 #D4D4D4 212, 212, 212 16, 12, 13, 0
AAA passed
Gray 4 #BCBCBC 188, 188, 188 27, 21, 22, 0
AAA passed
Gray 5 #A4A4A4 164, 164, 164 38, 31, 31, 0
AA passed
Gray 6 #8B8B8B 139, 139, 139 48, 40, 40, 4
AA Large Text passed
Gray 7 #727272 114, 114, 114 56, 47, 47, 13
AAA passed
Gray 8 #5F5F5F 95, 95, 95 62, 53, 53, 24
AAA passed
Gray 9 #4B4B4B 75, 75, 75 66, 58, 57, 38
AAA passed
Gray 10 #3B3B3B 59, 59, 59 68, 62, 61, 51
AAA passed