Core colors
Our core colors are made up of three distinct shades of Ad Hoc green. Our medium green used for our full logo mark. Our dark green is used primarily for background elements and for text on a white background. Finally, our light green is mostly used as an accent color.
Medium green
- HEX: #31B67B
- RGB: 49, 182, 123
- CMYK: 74, 0, 70, 0
Dark green
- HEX: #118762
- RGB: 17, 135, 98
- CMYK: 85, 24, 75, 8
Light green
- HEX: #cdecdb
- RGB: 205, 236, 219
- CMYK: 19, 0, 17, 0
Accent colors
Our accent grays should be the first additional colors paired with our core shades of green. These provide additional richness, without stealing the show from our core colors.
Gray 5
- HEX: #A4A4A4
- RGB: 164, 164, 164
- CMYK: 38, 31, 31, 0
Gray 8
- HEX: #5F5F5F
- RGB: 95, 95, 95
- CMYK: 62, 53, 53, 24
Gray 2
- RGB: 237, 237, 237
- CMYK: 6, 4, 0, 0
![An image showing Ad Hoc team members, smiling and talking at a recent Ad Hoc retreat.](/assets/images/camp-photo.jpg)
Color pairings
Building on our core and secondary colors, accent color combinations should be used sparingly and with prior approval from our creative and communications team. The following pairings are approved for external use.
Please keep in mind color contrast when pairing text with background colors. The accessibility ratings provided here are for black text or white text as indicated. All text and background pairings should be checked using an accessibility color contrast tool.
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Finch 3 | #FFCC50 | 255, 204, 80 | 0, 20, 79, 0 | AAA |
Medium Green | #31B67B | 49, 182, 123 | 74, 0, 70, 0 | AAA |
Dark Green | #118762 | 17, 135, 98 | 85, 24, 75, 8 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Finch 2 | #FFECBB | 255, 236, 187 | 0, 6, 31, 0 | AAA |
Monarch 5 | #FC8400 | 252, 132, 0 | 0, 59, 100, 0 | AA |
Monarch 8 | #924C00 | 146, 76, 0 | 30, 73, 100, 25 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Hibiscus 3 | #FAC5E6 | 250, 197, 230 | 1, 27, 0, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 6 | #E64DBA | 230, 77, 186 | 15, 80, 0, 0 | AA Large Text |
Lavender 9 | #48447F | 72, 68, 127 | 85, 84, 21, 7 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Finch 2 | #FFECBB | 255, 236, 187 | 0, 6, 31, 0 | AAA |
Finch 3 | #FFCC50 | 255, 204, 80 | 0, 20, 79, 0 | AAA |
Finch 4 | #FBAC0F | 251, 172, 15 | 0, 37, 100, 0 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Monarch 2 | #FFEAD4 | 255, 234, 212 | 0, 8, 16, 0 | AAA |
Monarch 6 | #D67000 | 214, 112, 0 | 13, 66, 100, 2 | AA Large Text |
Finch 9 | #694305 | 105, 67, 5 | 42, 65, 100, 42 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Ocean 2 | #C0F7FF | 192, 247, 255 | 20, 0, 3, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 4 | #08CEED | 8, 206, 237 | 64, 0, 8, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 8 | #09687D | 9, 104, 125 | 91, 48, 39, 13 | AAA |
Our gradients provide a sense of optimism and are a key element in our brand system — Sunrise. Gradients underscore one of our system's three core tenets: Purpose. We believe our purpose is to deliver impactful services in a fundamentally different way. We pair gradients with our bold color palette to provide a kind of visual sunrise, or a new day on the horizon.
Secondary Colors
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Monarch 1 | #FFF9F2 | 255, 249, 242 | 0, 2, 4, 0 | AAA |
Monarch 2 | #FFEAD4 | 255,234,212 | 0, 8, 16, 0 | AAA |
Monarch 3 | #FFCB92 | 255, 203, 146 | 0, 22, 46, 0 | AAA |
Monarch 4 | #FFA94C | 255,169,76 | 0, 40, 78, 0 | AAA |
Monarch 5 | #FC8400 | 252, 132, 0 | 0, 59, 100, 0 | AA |
Monarch 6 | #D67000 | 214,112,0 | 13, 66, 100, 2 | AA Large Text |
Monarch 7 | #B05C00 | 176, 92, 0 | 24, 70, 100, 13 | AAA |
Monarch 8 | #924C00 | 146, 76, 0 | 30, 73, 100, 25 | AAA |
Monarch 9 | #743D00 | 116, 61, 0 | 36, 73, 100, 40 | AAA |
Monarch 10 | #5C3000 | 92, 48, 0 | 42, 73, 100, 53 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Finch 1 | #FFFAEB | 255, 250, 235 | 0, 1, 7 ,0 | AAA |
Finch 2 | #FFECBB | 255, 236, 187 | 0, 6, 31, 0 | AAA |
Finch 3 | #FFCC50 | 255, 204, 80 | 0, 20, 79, 0 | AAA |
Finch 4 | #FBAC0F | 251, 172, 15 | 0, 37, 100, 0 | AAA |
Finch 5 | #DD960E | 221, 150, 14 | 13, 44, 100, 0 | AA & AAA Large text |
Finch 6 | #BD7E0C | 189, 126, 12 | 24, 52, 100, 6 | AAA |
Finch 7 | #9C670A | 156, 103, 10 | 32, 58, 100, 17 | AAA |
Finch 8 | #835508 | 131, 85, 8 | 37, 62, 100, 29 | AAA |
Finch 9 | #694305 | 105, 67, 5 | 42, 65, 100, 42 | AAA |
Finch 10 | #543404 | 84, 52, 4 | 46, 67, 100, 55 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Ocean 1 | #EDFDFF | 237, 253, 255 | 5, 0, 0, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 2 | #C0F7FF | 192, 247, 255 | 20, 0, 3, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 3 | #44E8FF | 68, 232, 255 | 50, 0, 6, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 4 | #08CEED | 8, 206, 237 | 64, 0, 8, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 5 | #0BB4D1 | 11, 180, 209 | 73, 6, 15, 0 | AA & AAA Pass |
Ocean 6 | #0B98B3 | 11, 152, 179 | 80, 24, 24, 0 | AAA |
Ocean 7 | #0A7D94 | 10, 125, 148 | 87, 38, 33, 4 | AAA |
Ocean 8 | #09687D | 9, 104, 125 | 91, 48, 39, 13 | AAA |
Ocean 9 | #075264 | 7, 82, 100 | 93, 58, 45, 26 | AAA |
Ocean 10 | #054150 | 5, 65, 80 | 95, 64, 50, 39 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Lavender 1 | #F9FAFE | 249, 250, 254 | 2, 1, 0, 0 | AAA |
Lavender 2 | #E8EDFC | 232, 237, 252 | 7, 4, 0, 0 | AAA |
Lavender 3 | #CFD2F7 | 207, 210, 247 | 16, 15, 0, 0 | AAA |
Lavender 4 | #B4B8F1 | 180, 184, 241 | 27, 24, 0, 0 | AAA |
Lavender 5 | #999EEB | 153, 158, 235 | 39, 36, 0, 0 | AA & AAA large text |
Lavender 6 | #7A82E3 | 122, 130, 227 | 56, 50, 0, 0 | AA Large Text |
Lavender 7 | #6268CA | 98, 104, 202 | 69, 63, 0, 0 | AAA |
Lavender 8 | #5656A5 | 86, 86, 165 | 77, 75, 0, 0 | AAA |
Lavender 9 | #48447F | 72, 68, 127 | 85, 84, 21, 7 | AAA |
Lavender 10 | #3B3562 | 59, 53, 98 | 87, 87, 34, 24 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Hibiscus 1 | #FFF8FC | 255, 248, 252 | 0, 3, 0, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 2 | #FEE8F4 | 254, 232, 244 | 0, 11, 0, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 3 | #FAC5E6 | 250, 197, 230 | 1, 27, 0, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 4 | #F5A2DA | 245, 162, 218 | 4, 44, 0, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 5 | #F07BCE | 240, 123, 206 | 10, 61, 0, 0 | AA |
Hibiscus 6 | #E64DBA | 230, 77, 186 | 15, 80, 0, 0 | AA Large Text |
Hibiscus 7 | #B9429F | 185, 66, 159 | 28, 87, 0, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 8 | #973989 | 151, 57, 137 | 47, 93, 10, 0 | AAA |
Hibiscus 9 | #752F70 | 117, 47, 112 | 62, 95, 25, 10 | AAA |
Hibiscus 10 | #5A275C | 90, 39, 92 | 70, 96, 34, 24 | AAA |
Color name | Hex | RGB | CMYK | Accessibility |
Gray 1 | #FAFAFA | 250, 250, 250 | 0, 0, 0, 3 | AAA |
Gray 2 | #EDEDED | 237, 237, 237 | 6, 4, 0, 0 | AAA |
Gray 3 | #D4D4D4 | 212, 212, 212 | 16, 12, 13, 0 | AAA |
Gray 4 | #BCBCBC | 188, 188, 188 | 27, 21, 22, 0 | AAA |
Gray 5 | #A4A4A4 | 164, 164, 164 | 38, 31, 31, 0 | AA |
Gray 6 | #8B8B8B | 139, 139, 139 | 48, 40, 40, 4 | AA Large Text |
Gray 7 | #727272 | 114, 114, 114 | 56, 47, 47, 13 | AAA |
Gray 8 | #5F5F5F | 95, 95, 95 | 62, 53, 53, 24 | AAA |
Gray 9 | #4B4B4B | 75, 75, 75 | 66, 58, 57, 38 | AAA |
Gray 10 | #3B3B3B | 59, 59, 59 | 68, 62, 61, 51 | AAA |